Eliana Zebro (Storysinger Presents)

Audio Pro / Narrative Designer / Composer

Eliana is an audio professional working on video games, films, and podcasts having worked with many prestigious brands including Comedy Central, The North Face, and Julliard.

In this episode, we discuss their upcoming game #AudioIndustryGame which is a narrative experience featuring stories of mistreated marginalized people working in audio. We also cover expressing yourself through game dev, making the most out your university experience, and treating yourself as a professional.

This is episode 60 of She Plays Games.


Jean Leggett, Matheus Diamantino, Lukas, Priscila, & ItsJosh.jpg.

Also, if you haven’t already, please join our Discord Channel: She Plays Games Discord

Eliana: @TheStorySinger

#AudioIndustryGame: itch.io

She Plays Games: @ShePlaysPodcast

Lauren Kaye: @LevelUpLauren

If you want to support the show further, please check out our new Patreon! By supporting the show you can get us closer to our goal of releasing 1 episode a week and unlock some pretty cool benefits like getting the show early and transcriptions!


Chel Wong


Nina Roussakoff (Paleo Pines)