Sally Sheppard (Wyrdren Games)


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This episode we have Sally Sheppard.

Sally is the founder of Wyrdren a studio she setup during the early stages of lockdown to help keep her gamedev skills sharp while she was in between projects, but has now blossomed into a full studio with Spellbound as their first game. In this episode we discuss what you need to look out for when starting up your own studio, the gap between big budget indie and low budget indie, and what the games industry can do to help support these amazing projects. 

This is episode 82 of She Plays Games.


Robin Milton, Grey, Grace Kim, Andrea Blythe, Priscila, Lukas, Matheus Diamantino, itsJosh.jpg and Jean Leggett

Also, if you haven’t already, please join our Discord Channel: She Plays Games Discord

Sally Sheppard: Twitter / TikTok

Wyrdren Games: Official Site / Twitter

She Plays Games: @ShePlaysPodcast

Lauren Kaye: @LevelUpLauren

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GeekyCassie (Nox Lumina)


Marie Ablaza (Netflix Gaming)